SCDAI Latest News
The Student Center for Diversity Advocacy and Inclusion, in short SCDAI, is an organization maintained by students for students that aims to facilitate an inclusive environment for students and staff in higher education. Check out the lastest SCDAI news & activities below!
As hard as it is this is our Goodbye.
With heavy yet hopeful hearts we unfortunately have to share with you that SCDAI's journey has come to an end.
Read our full statement here.
Anti-Fatness and Fat Liberation
The month of January is particularly filled with the toxic discourse revolving around the new year’s resolutions and weight loss. Every second ad is for gym memberships, superfoods, dieting plans, weight loss pills, and so on. In that sense, there is no better time to tackle anti-fatness and fat liberation.
Click to read SCDAI's take on anti-fatness and fat liberation.
Islamophobia & Muslim Students
In this resource we offer an insight into the experiences of exclusion that Muslim students go through in the face of an Islamophobic culture in Europe, the Netherlands, and in Western academia. The insights can guide university staff ideas on where to begin efforts of inclusion. The resource provides a collection of facts and figures into systemic barriers for Muslim individuals in Dutch higher education.
Click to read our extensive resource.